Saturday, January 30, 2010

We Value Your Opinion

This morning in my inbox, I found an email from




inviting me to submit a review of my latest purchases.  So just what were they looking for?

35836072 Did they want a critique of the latest David Baldacci legal thriller?  I finished True Blue a couple of weeks ago.

Or perhaps they were looking for something on the award-winning Southern novelist Karen White.  I bought my first Karen White novel after reading about it on another blog and promptly bought two more.

So I scrolled down a little farther and there they were, my most recent purchases.  Barnes & Noble was looking for reviews of Go, Dog, Go!, Are You My Mother, and The Cat in the Hat.  I had ordered them before Christmas to put under the Christmas tree for Lucy, our newest granddaughter, who should arrive in less than a month.

These three books, along with The Bear Scouts, were staples of our bedtime reading library when my boys were young.  In fact, we read them so often, the boys had them memorized, and I could never get by with an abbreviated version.

So when it came time to do Christmas shopping for Lucy, how could I go wrong with these classic children’s books?  I’m giving them all five stars!


nanny said...

Love it when someone tells about good books they have read....I will go to amazon now and look at Karen White....and will put the childrens' book on Lila's list....Thanks!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think I may have seen Karen White on another site. Is she a good read? I don't know how I missed your post on Velvetta shredded. That would be great to use when making Quesio with Ro-Tel.

Malvie said...

My vote goes to "Go, Dog, Go!", an all-time literary classic.

Anonymous said...

all great books! and i love giving books to the kiddos!

Candy said...

They were favs in our house as well and glad to hear I wasn't the only one trying to condense the story.
Love the critter story and LBeau looks to be pretty trigger happy for watch out! Bullwinkle.
Warm Sunday Blessings ;-)

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Nothing like a good book recommendation.

I have a book addiciton....and want books surrounding me at all times...SICK